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ARZA Canada:

Strengthening ties of Reform Jews to Israel

ARZA Canada:

Strengthening ties of Reform Jews to Israel

ARZA Canada:

Strengthening ties of Reform Jews to Israel

ARZA Canada (the Association of Reform Zionists of America – Canada) is affiliated with the Reform Jewish Community of Canada and the Union for Reform Judaism North America.

ARZA 2024 • Now More Than Ever

With over 4,400 members, our mandate is to connect with Reform communities throughout Canada, foster connections with and strengthen our ties to the Reform Movement in Israel, and work to realize the vision of Reform Zionism.


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Judith Wiley and Jeff Denaburg

Co-Chairs, ARZA Canada

Arza Canada logo - blue

Will there be Zionist elections in Canada?


The answer is YES!

Currently, the US is running an election for the World Zionist Organization (WZO).  You may have received emails or seen material on social media encouraging people to vote.

Question:  Why haven’t we seen voting instructions for Canada?

Answer:  There will be an election in Canada, later in the spring.  Details will be communicated soon.

You may be wondering …

  • When will our election be held?
  • Why are we having an election?
  • Who is running?
  • What’s at stake?
  • Who is the WZO?

We’ll soon provide the answers to all these questions and more.

As a member of ARZA Canada, it’s crucial for you to be informed, and to participate in the election.  This is your opportunity to have a say.

For now, here’s a summary:

  • The election is expected to take place in early June.
  • It’s important because the WZO election determines the allocation of millions of dollars of funding in Israel to the streams of Judaism.
  • Israel’s Reform movement fights for an Israel that is Jewish and democratic, and for Reform values such as equality of all citizens, religious pluralism, social justice, minority rights, and a peaceful solution to the conflict.
  • To support Israel’s Reform movement, it’s important for all Reform Jews in Canada to vote for ARZA Canada in the election.

We’ll answer all your questions and give you many reasons to support Israel’s Reform movement through ARZA Canada in the election.  Stay tuned.

We continue to pray for the return of the remaining hostages.

Judith Wiley and Jeff Denaburg

Co-Chairs, ARZA Canada


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Upcoming Events


Digital Leaders for Progressive Judaism

The World Union For Progressive Judaism is offering a program to develop “Digital Leaders”, who will learn about the values of progressive Judaism and how to share them on social media.  The program includes leadership training with time in Israel.

Click here for more information.


Israel Dialogues

Holy Blossom Temple – all sessions 12 PM ET

Wednesday, April 2 – Rabbi Ammiel Hirsch of the Steven Wise Free Synagogue in New York

Topic:  Israel in Crisis: A Jewish Diaspora Response

Friday, April 11 – Dr. Asher Susser, Professor Emeritus of Tel Aviv University

Topic:  Trump, the Arabs and the New Middle Eastern Balance of Power

To register, click here


Dr. Masua Sagiv – Scholar in Residence, Lecture Series

Friday, March 21 at 6 PM ET (Kabbalat Shabbat)

Saturday, March 22 at 9 am ET (Torah Study) and 10:30 AM (Shabbat sermon)

Holy Blossom Temple

Dr. Masua Sagiv is a Senior Faculty member of the Shalom Hartman Institute based in the San Francisco Bay Area and the Koret Visiting Assistant Professor of Jewish and Israel Studies at the Helen Diller Institute, U.C. Berkeley.

Dr. Masua’s scholarly work focuses on the development of contemporary Judaism in Israel, as a culture, religion, nationality, and as part of Israel’s identity as a Jewish and democratic state. Her research explores the role of law, state actors and civil society organizations in promoting social change across diverse issues: shared society, religion and gender, religion and state, and Jewish peoplehood.

In person or online.




Miriam Pearlman


Miriam Pearlman, immediate past president of ARZA Canada, discusses the impact of Israel’s new government with fellow leaders in a Canadian Jewish News Daily podcast:

Arza Canada Privacy Policy

The Privacy Commission of Canada states the following:

Non-profit organizations are not subject to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) when they do not engage in commercial activities.

The following activities are not considered commercial and are not subject to PIPEDA:

  • collecting membership fees
  • compiling a list of members’ names and addresses/email addresses
  • mailing out newsletters

As you know, ARZA Canada represents Canadian Reform Zionists with members in all of Canada’s Reform congregations. Though independent of the sister organization, ARZA, in the United States, it is an affiliate of the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) and Reform Jewish Community of Canada (RJCC). We are writing to address how ARZA Canada maintains its membership records, and in particular its commitment to the privacy of our members.

Accurate membership records are important to the entire Reform Jewish Community of Canada given that the size of our membership determines our influence on Zionist policies in Canada and in Israel. ARZA Canada members come through congregational solicitation and activism, and so annually it is provided lists of its members from Canadian Reform congregations such as yours in order to confirm individual memberships. This is deeply appreciated.

ARZA Canada has strong privacy practices to ensure the confidentiality of this membership information. It is used by ARZA Canada to communicate with our members and engage them in the activities of ARZA Canada, including joint programs with RJCC and our congregations.

For more please click here.

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