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ARZA Canada:

Strengthening ties of Reform Jews to Israel

ARZA Canada:

Strengthening ties of Reform Jews to Israel

ARZA Canada:

Strengthening ties of Reform Jews to Israel

ARZA Canada (the Association of Reform Zionists of America – Canada) is affiliated with the Reform Jewish Community of Canada and the Union for Reform Judaism North America.

North American Reform Jews sing Hatikvah for Israel’s 75th Birthday

With over 8,400 members, our mandate is to connect with Reform communities throughout Canada, foster connections with and strengthen our ties to the Reform Movement in Israel, and work to realize the vision of Reform Zionism.


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Lee Weisser
Lee Weisser
Arza Canada logo - blue

Your Chance to Be an ‘Influencer’

 Shalom Chaverim/Chaverot,


Your participation in ARZA Canada makes a difference in Canada and in Israel.

We are fighting against extremist groups in both Canada and Israel such as Eretz HaKodesh, who disparage our Reform values.

We need YOU to spread the word about the importance of support for ARZA Canada to affect positive change in Israel.

What is the impact of ARZA Canada? 

In Canada

  • Free Israel curriculum for Reform religious schools, including training for educators and teachers in our approach to Israel education.
  • Financial support for Israel programming at your congregation.
  • Scholarships for teenagers to study in Israel.
  • Support for Camp George to develop young leaders.
  • Representation at the World Zionist Organization to promote the values of equality and religious pluralism.

In Israel – Financial support for:

  • Humanitarian aid to survivors of October 7, evacuees and minority groups.
  • Israeli Reform Rabbis to offer egalitarian Shabbat services and life-cycle events.
  • Progressive Jewish education from pre-Kindergarten to high school.
  • Development of the next generation of leaders in a variety of youth activities including Shabbat retreats and summer camp.

Do you want a brighter future for Israel?

We need you to spread the word that our values of equality and inclusion in Israel are important for other Canadian Jews to embrace.

ARZA Canada Numbers = Money for Reform in Israel

The more supporters ARZA Canada has, the more seats we have at the World Zionist Organization, and the greater our contribution to Reform values and projects in Israel.

ARZA Canada is now on Instagram

Misinformation campaigns have sown discord across platforms like Instagram. To counter these harmful narratives, we are committed to educating the public about our unwavering dedication to Zionism and support for Israel.

Please follow and share our new Instagram account via to join us in this important mission.

Your support of ARZA Canada means a better future for Israel.

  1. Join ARZA Canada for 2024-2025, either through your synagogue or at
  2. Make a donation to ARZA Canada. Contact me directly at: [email protected]

Make your choice today to support our community in Canada

and our colleagues in Israel.

Lee Weisser with friends from Kehillat Bavat Ayin

Help us support our partners in Israel and our community in Canada.

How to join:

  1. Include ARZA Canada on your 2024-2025 Temple dues invoice.


  1. Join directly at

Read the full report here.


Lee Weisser, President


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Upcoming Events


From the Shalom Hartman Institute:

With a startling rise in anti-Israel activism and antisemitism on campus, how can Jewish communities understand and respond to these dynamics?

Campus resources for this moment - click here



Wednesday July 24 – 12 pm EST

American Society of the University of Haifa

Join American Society of the University of Haifa for a timely and uplifting discussion with Professor Simonsohn, a historian of early Islamic religious communities, who has seen firsthand the power of religion as a force that can bring people together. During this webinar, he will be speaking with us about how he hopes to harness the power of religion, why it should be seen as an agent of positive change, and why the Laboratory is so invested in inter-communal collaboration more than ever.





Miriam Pearlman


Miriam Pearlman, immediate past president of ARZA Canada, discusses the impact of Israel’s new government with fellow leaders in a Canadian Jewish News Daily podcast:

Arza Canada Privacy Policy

The Privacy Commission of Canada states the following:

Non-profit organizations are not subject to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) when they do not engage in commercial activities.

The following activities are not considered commercial and are not subject to PIPEDA:

  • collecting membership fees
  • compiling a list of members’ names and addresses/email addresses
  • mailing out newsletters

As you know, ARZA Canada represents Canadian Reform Zionists with members in all of Canada’s Reform congregations. Though independent of the sister organization, ARZA, in the United States, it is an affiliate of the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) and Reform Jewish Community of Canada (RJCC). We are writing to address how ARZA Canada maintains its membership records, and in particular its commitment to the privacy of our members.

Accurate membership records are important to the entire Reform Jewish Community of Canada given that the size of our membership determines our influence on Zionist policies in Canada and in Israel. ARZA Canada members come through congregational solicitation and activism, and so annually it is provided lists of its members from Canadian Reform congregations such as yours in order to confirm individual memberships. This is deeply appreciated.

ARZA Canada has strong privacy practices to ensure the confidentiality of this membership information. It is used by ARZA Canada to communicate with our members and engage them in the activities of ARZA Canada, including joint programs with RJCC and our congregations.

For more please click here.

Meet Our Executive

Lee Weisser

Lee Weisser


Miriam Pearlman

Miriam Pearlman

Immediate Past President

Len Bates

Len Bates

Liaison to Reform Jewish Community of Canada

Cheryl Englander

Cheryl Englander


Jeff Denaburg

Jeff Denaburg


Dorothy Millman

Dorothy Millman


Valerie Whitefield

Valerie Whitefield


Judith Wiley

Judith Wiley


Follow us on Facebook/ARZACANADA

Follow us on Instagram/ARZA.Canada