Stroh Scholarship

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Rabbi Michael S. Stroh

The Michael S. Stroh Scholarship Fund

The Rabbi Michael S. Stroh Scholarship was established to encourage young Reform Jews to spend an extended period of time in Israel under Reform auspices.


Rabbi Michael S. Stroh, Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Har Zion in Thornhill, Ontario, was the first president of KADIMA (the former name of ARZA Canada) and of the International Federation of Reform Zionists, ARZENU. The Stroh Scholarship was established in his honour in 1984.

A maximum of $1,000.00 per year per individual is  awarded to worthy candidates who agree to work on behalf of Israel and Reform Zionism on their return, in their home congregation if possible. Recipients receive an automatic $250 with a possibility of an increased amount.

The criteria for approval include:  spend a minimum of 6 months in Israel, in a secondary school or above program under the auspices of the Reform Movement.

How to Apply

Candidates for the Stroh Scholarship should download the application form here and either return it by e-mail or mail it to:

ARZA Canada
PO Box 26014, Broadway PO

Toronto, ON

M4P 0A8

They should include proof of acceptance in a semester or year-long study program operating under the auspices of the Reform Movement. They should also include in their letter of application what they hope to gain from this experience and how they plan to share their experiences with the Canadian Reform community upon their return.


Students considering post-secondary studies in Israel may be eligible for a scholarship from the Canadian Zionist Federation.