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From the Shalom Hartman Institute:

With a startling rise in anti-Israel activism and antisemitism on campus, how can Jewish communities understand and respond to these dynamics?

Campus resources for this moment - click here


Friday, September 6, 2024, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Temple Har Zion, Thornhill



Saturday September 7 - Holy Blossom Temple

Scholar-in-Residence: Orly Erez-Likhovski

"The struggle for a Jewish and Democratic Israel – at times of war and peace"

Torah Study 9:00-10:00 am

Join us here 

Torah Study, “Between Parashat Shoftim & Israel’s Declaration of Independence: IRAC’s Pursuit of Justice in Israeli Society”

Service10:30 am, “A Social Justice Lawyer’s Perspective on the Torah portion dedicated to Judges” followed by Meet and Greet over congregational Kiddush-lunch.


Sunday September 8 - 10 am

Temple Sinai

Register here


Sunday September 8, 7:30 pm - Solel Congregation, Mississauga

A joint event with Solel and Shaarei-Beth El

To watch the livestream on Sunday, 8 September at 7:30pm, click this link:

(NOTE: This event will not be recorded.)


Monday, September 9, 7:00 pm - at Holy Blossom Temple
“The Legal Struggle for Democracy, Equality & Jewish Pluralism: Reflections on a Post-October 7th Israel”

Join Orly Erez-Likhovski in conversation with Joan Garson & Dahlia Lithwick, Journalist on the US Supreme Court and Senior Editor of Slate Magazine.
This event is open to all lawyers, judges, law students, and professors of law. Congregants are welcome to bring their colleagues and friends.



Tuesday September 10, 5 pm Dinner and Program

Wolfond Centre, University of Toronto, 36 Harbord St.

Orly Erez-Likhovski will meet with university students.


Arzenu UK presents: Reflecting on October 7
September 12, 19, and 26
2:00 p.m. ET/ 11:00 a.m. PT

As the anniversary of the terrible events of October 7th approaches, join us for a 3-part lecture series in which we reflect on these events in their historical context, as well as looking forward to options for the day after.

Rabbi Lea Muhlstein, immediate past Chair of Arzenu, will be leading this lecture series and will be joined by Rabbi Josh Weinberg, a leading expert on the history of Zionism and State of Israel, URJ VP for Israel and Reform Zionism and Ex. Dir. Of ARZA.
Register Here


Sunday September 29  - 1 pm ET/10 am ET

IMPJ Commemoration of October 7, “In Memory and in Hope” 

