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ARZA Canada:

Strengthening ties of Reform Jews to Israel

ARZA Canada:

Strengthening ties of Reform Jews to Israel

ARZA Canada:

Strengthening ties of Reform Jews to Israel

ARZA Canada (the Association of Reform Zionists of America – Canada) is affiliated with the Reform Jewish Community of Canada and the Union for Reform Judaism North America.

ARZA 2024 • Now More Than Ever

With over 8,400 members, our mandate is to connect with Reform communities throughout Canada, foster connections with and strengthen our ties to the Reform Movement in Israel, and work to realize the vision of Reform Zionism.


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Lee Weisser
Lee Weisser
Arza Canada logo - blue

The Glass is a Quarter Full


Shalom Chaverim/Chaverot,

In the beautiful and moving ceremony for the families of the victims of October 7, a paramedic who saw the results of the atrocities first-hand, said:

“I’m trying to imagine how it’s possible to celebrate Simchat Torah this year.”

But we must celebrate, even if our joy is diminished.  Our detractors want us to lose hope.  But even in our grief, we must have faith, and we must start to rebuild.

Israel’s KAN TV created a short video of young people celebrating the chagim, encouraging us to see that the glass is “a quarter full”.

The video is here, in Hebrew.

As they say:

“Pain is part of us.  We can’t imagine the Jewish people without the Shoah or October 7.  The reality is that when we rescue four hostages, we lose a hero.  Our cup isn’t empty.  There are too many heroes who, in their death, command us to live, to marry, to have children, and continue dancing.  We know the glass is three-quarters empty, but we must also see that it’s a quarter full.”

A new generation is rising

Yonatan Shimriz speaking at the families’ October 7 memorial ceremony

The only standing ovation at the October 7 ceremony was for the brother of a deceased hostage, Yonatan Shimriz, who promised:

“A new generation is rising here, a generation that believes in us and in a reformed and united Israeli society; that believes in the Israeli spirit.  A generation that will rebuild what was destroyed, will build a better country, based on values … we will realize the new Zionist vision.”

Watch and listen to Yonatan’s speech.

Strength and resilience

We’re inspired by the resilience of Israel’s society.  When Israel’s leaders failed on October 7, many individual Israelis raced into battle.  Many more created civilian command centres, picked fruit, distributed food to needy families, helped evacuees, and much more.

“They protest on behalf of the hostages, even as they remain deeply committed to Israel, as they work together to build a better future.”  (Rabbi Josh Weinberg, ARZA US)

How is it possible to celebrate Simchat Torah this year?  With sadness certainly, but also with faith and hope.

Chag Same’ach,

Lee Weisser

Renew your commitment to Israel

Join ARZA Canada for 2024/2025.

  1. Join through your synagogue or at
  2. Make a donation to ARZA Canada. Contact me directly at: [email protected]

Make your choice today to support our community in Canada

and our colleagues in Israel.


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Upcoming Events


From the Shalom Hartman Institute:

With a startling rise in anti-Israel activism and antisemitism on campus, how can Jewish communities understand and respond to these dynamics?

Campus resources for this moment - click here


Sunday October 27

Israel’s Music Since October 7



Building Bridges Series – Kvell at the Well

Kolot Mayim, Victoria

Register here


Saturday November 9 - 7 pm

Temple Emanu-El & Zoom

Speaker - Shalom Orzach from the iCenter

Join us for an inspiring in-person and online event featuring Shalom Orzach, a renowned Jewish educator visiting from Jerusalem. A senior educator at the iCenter and expert in experiential Jewish education, Shalom has worked with global organizations such as Birthright, the Jewish Agency, and more. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from one of today’s leading voices in Jewish education.

More info and registration



Miriam Pearlman


Miriam Pearlman, immediate past president of ARZA Canada, discusses the impact of Israel’s new government with fellow leaders in a Canadian Jewish News Daily podcast:

Arza Canada Privacy Policy

The Privacy Commission of Canada states the following:

Non-profit organizations are not subject to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) when they do not engage in commercial activities.

The following activities are not considered commercial and are not subject to PIPEDA:

  • collecting membership fees
  • compiling a list of members’ names and addresses/email addresses
  • mailing out newsletters

As you know, ARZA Canada represents Canadian Reform Zionists with members in all of Canada’s Reform congregations. Though independent of the sister organization, ARZA, in the United States, it is an affiliate of the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) and Reform Jewish Community of Canada (RJCC). We are writing to address how ARZA Canada maintains its membership records, and in particular its commitment to the privacy of our members.

Accurate membership records are important to the entire Reform Jewish Community of Canada given that the size of our membership determines our influence on Zionist policies in Canada and in Israel. ARZA Canada members come through congregational solicitation and activism, and so annually it is provided lists of its members from Canadian Reform congregations such as yours in order to confirm individual memberships. This is deeply appreciated.

ARZA Canada has strong privacy practices to ensure the confidentiality of this membership information. It is used by ARZA Canada to communicate with our members and engage them in the activities of ARZA Canada, including joint programs with RJCC and our congregations.

For more please click here.

Meet Our Executive

Lee Weisser

Lee Weisser


Miriam Pearlman

Miriam Pearlman

Immediate Past President

Len Bates

Len Bates

Liaison to Reform Jewish Community of Canada

Cheryl Englander

Cheryl Englander


Jeff Denaburg

Jeff Denaburg


Dorothy Millman

Dorothy Millman


Valerie Whitefield

Valerie Whitefield


Judith Wiley

Judith Wiley


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